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  1. For a few weeks, try drinking quarts of coffeemate creamer instead of heavy whipping cream, while heavy cream has slightly more calories it has little to no sugar and carbs in it, where the creamer has tons and comes in many flavors, trust me, your belly will start growing even faster if you switch.
  2. That will be even better. Imagine being at home for months gaining at an insane rate then something comes up to where you are needed to come in person and all your colleagues are in complete shock, gawking on how much bigger you are from mere months ago.
  3. Luscious???? Shes the ultimate belly queen😍😍😍 and one day you'll be bigger than her ❤
  4. You look like your addiction to dick has left you knocked up with twins and an eating disorder, fucking amazing there was enough string left to make a knot. Whats next, your tits start leaking through your bra in the toy department?
  5. The day will come where you will do nothing but exist, 1200lbs of pure lard, so much weight on your lungs you would die in minutes if I ever removed your oxygen. You are too big to move, too big to roll, too big to keep properly clean, your odor is overpowering. I do not see you as a human being but anymore as a shrine to my feeding abilities, I wanted to make you as big as possible and thats what I will continue to do. You physically do not have the energy to lift food to your own mouth anymore, in fact you are exhusted, constantly coming in and out of consciousness, only waking to pitfully try to feel full like you once did in the early days of gaining. I have been making everything that is easily edible via feeding tube that you absent mindly suck on all day and even in your sleep. What a life you have now- none. You hardly speak, more like grunts, must be hard to push out a sentence with such a fat, swollen face. As it is your heart beats like it could literally explode at any moment, perhaps talking would push you over the edge. I should have your health checked, but I dont care enough to have someone else lay eyes on you. You are mine and mine alone! You have always loved sweets, and I never deprived you of that, I make your daily 5 gallon shake full of ice cream, heavy cream, cake mix, corn syrup, sugar, and sever scoops of serious mass gainer (which I dont tell you that part). A normal human could never drink this much in days, yet you do it every day, how has your stomach not ruptured???? In to the room I come with the pail, perfect timing you just sucked down the last of your breakfast concoction, barely noticing me walk by and fill your feeding vat. Watching you suck down the massive sugar laden calorie bomb always turns me on, your blood sugar must be lethal, probably explains the sores that are appearing more and more on your lower belly and what tiny bit of your ankles and feet that arent covered in hundreds of pounds of belly. Spending hours rubbing your gut is the only hobby I need in life, A day has not gone by where it makes me so hard I drag my dick up and down your massive paunch till I come all over you. I love you for being what I always wanted in life- an obedient piggy that ate and drank everything she was given, we lived out a hendonistic dream only few could ever match. You are the greatest thing thats ever happend to me... And taking your life will be my greatest accomplishment.
  6. Have you tried adding corn syrup and scoops of serious mass to your gain shakes to give it an extra calorie boost?
  7. Your new video just gave me an idea to suggest for another video, shower hose enema, it will blow your belly up huge!
  8. Think if all you had to do in life was eat everything your feeders gave you and fucking you into a hendonistic bliss where days and weeks become a blurr as you become a bed bound blob trying to keep that feeling of being painfully full to make you cum.
  9. damn the abdominal muscles, just keep eating like its her job and get pregnant right away again, blow them muscles right out and let us watch how far that belly protrudes out
  10. ya its not good or smart on my part but ive been mind focked ever since, shes all i can think of, cant help it
  11. the other night went out to dinner with my gf and our waitress was like a dream of mine come true, a good 300+ lbs with super cute face and in my eyes the most perfect lower pear half with hips that would without a doubt measure 65-70" i couldnt stop checking her out and cant get her out of my head. i know its bad, i was there with my gf and thinking of someone besides her but its that "this girl is who ive been wishing for my whole life for" feeling. i looked her up on fb and see shes been in a relationship for like a year and ive been with mine for a few years but its like i would sacrafice everything just on a bunch of what ifs. theres no way of saying of shes happy with her man, or if she was single would she even be interested in me. i feel like a good part of me wants to do something irrational and risk everything i have for nothing. idk what to do, its like i need to understand dont be stupid and be happy, but everyone has that one person in life they would give up everything for the thought of a chance. im so lost
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