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moohah last won the day on January 14 2017

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  1. Chubby girls do it better Really loving this hang that I've got going on these days. I promise to upload some comparison photos from then to now in some old small clothes within the next week D
  2. I currently weigh 17.5 stone which is 111 kg (roughly). Really pushing for that 20 stone mark
  3. At the end of this month it will mark a year since I began my gaining journey with you guys and I just want to show you all how far I've come!
  4. Before my weight gain I was mostly insecure about my booty. Im well aware that it's not the best booty in the world and my main asset is my boobs but I'm quite proud of my slight weight gain to my hips, thighs and booty so I thought I'd share this joy D
  5. Hey guys! I hope you all had wonderful festivities/holidays! I certainly did, especially all that food! Rather enjoyed gaining that Christmas bulk! And I certainly intend to continue eating f9r post Christmas bulk! I will keep you updated... Enjoy! D
  6. Apologies for the longest reply ever but I've had lots of deadlines recently. However.... deadlines = stress = food = weight gain The right photo was took after my shower this evening, the left was at the start of my journey in February. My belly is starting ton hang now and has a really defined crease where my belly hangs over. I'm really feeling my weight now but I'm keeping fit so I'm still healthy and happy with the gain Again, apologies but I hope this makes up for it D
  7. Just a quick end of the week update... Yesterday I was getting ready to go out for a meal and picked out a skirt... firstly I struggled to get the skirt past my thighs but I persisted. After wriggling (wrestling is probably more accurate) the skirt past my hips, I felt it flush to my skin and the material was strained against me. I then struggled with the zipper and again, persisted for a few moments. I became tired and needed to sit down. This was the moment I heard the skirt tear beneath me... I love knowing that I'm growing so fast I can't keep up with my wardrobe. I had only brought this skirt in June for my trip to Amsterdam and haven't worn it since - until yesterday and I guess I won't be wearing it again!
  8. So here's some then vs. now photos for you... I've been trying really hard lately to gain weight so I've been stuffing myself frequently, pushing my limits and testing new ways to gain quicker I tried really hard to do my jeans up for you but it just wasn't happening... For the question some have been asking, I'm up to 16 stone from my original 10 stone in February Hope you enjoy Lots of love, D
  9. I will be posting some outgrown clothes and lingerie in the next few days, I've been really busy so I'm sorry... I hope this makes it up to you ?
  10. I found this beauty today... I remember buying this and it being really loose and my boobs fit perfectly. I could only keep this on for an hour today as my boobs wouldn't stay in the teeny cups and it's was so tight around my torso I had to stop eating until I took it off. I love the feeling of outgrowing clothes (even if it is expensive ass lingerie). I have so much lingerie I've outgrown if you guys are interested? I'll also find some of my old clothes and upload some of them too if you're keen? Lots of love, D
  11. D again, As requested I've attached some photos in some old bras that I've outgrown. I threw away most of my smallest bras but these are the smallest I have now Enjoy! ?
  12. Hey guys, moohah here. It's been a while since I've been on here myself, but me and D have been rather busy moving recently! Progress slowed down a while ago as we were both super busy, but D is back and hungrier than ever. We have been having lots of feeding sessions recently, and I've been coming back from work finding her surrounded by food wrappers. It's really starting to show! She has gotten so much softer and rounder, it's almost like it happened over night. Her belly is very close to hanging down, which I'm so excited for, and her boobs just won't seem to stop growing! I swear they're getting bigger by the day! I'm loving every second of seeing her growing and softening, and it's so exciting watching her eat more and more each time we have a feeding session, knowing each extra mouthful is making her even fatter. I've added some photos for you guys to show how things have been going, enjoy!
  13. Since last posting I have grown 3 dress sizes and my boobs have increased to 38H Here are some photos from the start of my journey to today....
  14. Hey! I'm so sorry it's been so long, I was moving house and changing jobs etc. I will be updating this post tomorrow with my gain I'm hoping you guys aren't too annoyed with the longest wait ever... Lots of love, D
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