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Mayara Russi

Guest rorogo

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Update time with 2 vids and a description of a kind.

the 1st video is of Mayara in a swimsuit at the Beach along with the other contestants, and later on in the vid she is at a spa: http://entretenimento.r7.com/programa-da-tarde/videos/alem-do-peso-participantes-fazem-stand-up-paddle-em-santos-sp-02122014

The 2nd vid is of the recent weigh in...Mayara is now under 150 kg. she´s 149.4 kg aka 329 lbs: http://entretenimento.r7.com/programa-da-tarde/videos/alem-do-peso-duplas-enfrentam-o-medo-e-sobem-na-balanca-02122014

and lastly a description i found on the show´s site...kinda interesting imo...this is the Google translated version:

Mayara and Ingred are two great friends. Mayara lives with his mother, and has two children. It has always been chubby. When her first child was 5 months, she got a shock: was diagnosed with thyroid cancer. The tumor was small, and she did not have to do chemo or radiotherapy. However, the fact that she had a terrible disease made her even more fattening, as she wanted to "enjoy life while he could." Mayara had another daughter with another boyfriend, but the relationship between the two was troubled because of jealous of him - which helped her gain weight even more. Worked as a plus size model, but the fact that fattened too made no mark to seek more. Today, stays at home helping Rozana mother make savory, and what's worse: not resist the temptation to taste the goodies that make to sell. His music in the game is She's top of Mc Ball.

and here is the original portuguese version:

Mayara e Ingred são duas grandes amigas. Mayara mora com a mãe, e tem dois filhos. Sempre foi gordinha. Quando seu primeiro filho tinha 5 meses, ela levou um susto: foi diagnosticada com câncer de tireoide. O tumor era pequeno, e ela não precisou fazer quimio nem radioterapia. No entanto, o fato de ter tido uma doença terrível fez com que ela engordasse ainda mais, já que ela queria “aproveitar a vida enquanto podia”. Mayara teve outra filha com outro namorado, mas o relacionamento entre os dois era conturbado por causa dos ciúmes dele – o que contribuiu para ela engordar ainda mais. Trabalhava como modelo plus size, mas o fato de ter engordado muito fez com que nenhuma marca a procurasse mais. Hoje, fica em casa ajudando a mãe Rozana a fazer salgados, e o que é pior: não resistindo à tentação de provar as guloseimas que faz para vender. Sua música no jogo é Ela é top, de Mc Bola.

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Oh my, Mayara is losing the weight at quite a fast pace lately, here is the video for the monday weigh in:


She´s Down to 146.0 kg aka 322 lbs.....tho that is still heavier than i would have imagined her when we saw her at the fashion show back in august...some gals are just hard to guess..

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  • 2 weeks later...

So apparently the Alem Do Peso show had its final last night, the pair or Kaue and Mariana won the show:


A vid from Backstage: http://entretenimento.r7.com/programa-da-tarde/videos/r7-mostra-tudo-o-que-rolou-nos-bastidores-da-final-do-alem-do-peso-23122014

Mayara´s final weight is 140 kg aka 309 lbs according to this page http://pt.wikipedia.org/wiki/Al%C3%A9m_do_peso

And i wish u all a merry Christmas :)

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

New Little update, this new pic, but with some lines from her FB, she wrote the following:

Galerinhaaaa e dia 09 começa a nova temporada do Além do Peso.

Eu não vou perder e vc?

Apesar de ter emagrecido 22 kgs durante o programa e mais 4 aqui fora, ainda tenho 50 kgs a serem eliminados, a luta continua diariamente e confesso que aqui fora não é fácil.

Vamos domando os leões diários e lutando contra essa doença que é a obesidade!

E o mais importante de tudo é reconhecer se vc precisa de ajuda. Eu reconheci e hj, apesar de ainda precisar emagrecer muito, já me sinto vitroriosa!

Beijossss galera!!

From what i got out of Google translate, she says she lost 22 kg on the show and 4 after, so that Means she´s Down to 136 kg (300 lbs) oh and she wants to lose 50!! kg more, if thats true she wants to get Down to 86 kg (190 lbs) i Wonder if she is gonna reach her goal,


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