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Everything posted by bsmorpher

  1. Looking for a story that was on the old Curvage site. It was a college professor who was able to steal people’s weight and she would either keep it for herself or distribute it to others. I can’t remember the title.
  2. Wow, you look amazing! I love your facial expressions.
  3. Great start so far. Can't wait to see where it goes.
  4. Excellent series so far. Can't wait for the next part(s).
  5. While the suit isn't the best, I have seen worse. I am glad that they didn't opt for any fat face makeup because most shows/movies end up overdoing it.
  6. Welcome and a second breakfast is always a good idea.
  7. I wish you the very best. I know starting a family is difficult and I think everyone would understand that that is your top priority. I hope everything works out and thanks for the honesty.
  8. Doesn't matter what angle they are in. You look amazing.
  9. I don't think that would ever be possible. You look great!
  10. Wow, impressive morphs there.
  11. It's hit or miss some episodes. Not for everyone so I guess you'll just have to watch it to know for sure.
  12. Awesome Video! When you lay down, does your lower back touch your bed at all?
  13. That's a great pose! Look as great as ever!
  14. Holy hell that was awesome! You look amazing.
  15. Judging by those pictures, she seems happier with the added weight...
  16. Awesome measurements and your butt looks amazing in profile like that!
  17. If you cosplay anyone, that would be the best thing ever!...
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