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  1. New vid looks good http://www.nothingbutcurves.com/video/15791/1287/broken_halo?nats=MC4wLjUuNi4wLjAuMC4wLjA
  2. Would you be down to make one of the most finest videos one could see?
  3. anyone have all of the videos of her? (including ones when she was skinny?)
  4. Yes that is a prison, but what does that have to do with Candi I guess going there?
  5. You know like the old ones too from when she was skinny to now?
  6. Now would we be able to see your face too? Cause watching a headless torso is cool and all, but nothing beats including the gorgeousness of your face, I only ask this for the fact that you have shown your face before.
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