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About BrokenRageOfVegeta

  • Birthday 01/30/1994

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  1. Good luck with the move 😊. Was wondering if you’d be interested in doing a video featuring your belly rumbling or gurgling? Like before a stuffing while you’re really hungry, or holding a mic to your stomach while you eat? Or even after you’ve eaten and your belly starts gurgling and grumbling as it digests?
  2. ODB gets nowhere near enough love.
  3. Speaking of Nia, hopefully these haven't been posted before.
  4. I saw Hayley with the white sleeveless top when I was round a friend's the other day and my first thought was " I can't wait for Sapphic's reaction" lol
  5. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cdlCwxT69II Poor girl has a rumbly in her tumbly
  6. That's what I thought. Been watching solidly for 10 years this month and was certain that, even if I had missed it, I would have heard about it due to it not just being Steph with her boobs out, but also the fact that WWE would allow such a thing.
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