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Dr. Feeder

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Everything posted by Dr. Feeder

  1. I really am unworthy. I thought you'd bail long before you got this far down the road. You have shamed me. I will never be so cynical again.
  2. A dozen doughnuts is around 1440 calories. Probably not enough to gain by themselves. However, if you were eating enough to maintain your weight before and continue to eat the same amount in addition to those doughnuts you will most likely gain. The only problem I see is that it'll get boring...variety is good for the appetite. I would switch the doughnuts up with other fattening things, or at least eat different kinds of doughnuts!
  3. Personally I've always found Krispy Kremes too sweet. You might want to try some other kind of doughnut and see if you can manage those better.
  4. If you just want to chat about this stuff with the like-minded you should go to some of the feedist meet-ups that are starting to happen again. You'll probably have to go to one of the sites that Curvage childishly doesn't allow mention of to find such meet-ups or even start one up yourself.
  5. There are four questions floating around here: Is stealth feeding (pressuring, manipulating, tempting, or tricking someone into gaining without their permission) ever acceptable? --No, absolutely not. Is it right to ask a thin person permission to feed them to get them to gain? --If they're of age, of course. Even if one does get permission, why do that? Why not find someone who's already fat? --That would certainly be better in some ways. However, some of us find helping a thin person more exciting than finding someone who's already fat. The change is more dramatic and the process itself can be great for both parties. Because there are thin people who want to gain. There are downsides and upsides to nearly anything you do. It's the right of individuals to weigh these and make decisions about what they do. If they and their partner agree on a gaining project they can do it. If you do get permission, how do you help your feedee to gain? Buy lots of snacks, more than they can eat, and keep them on hand at all times. Cook whatever they like. Take them out to eat. Order takeout. Do whatever encourages them to eat more. Give tummy rubs. Express appreciation for the eating and gaining they do. If there's anything they particularly like in bed, do it in appreciation for any weight they've gained. Help them with any downsides to gaining. Help them find clothes that fit, support them in the face of anyone else's fat-shaming, do their more strenuous chores that might be harder as they get bigger. Be sympathetic and realistic about any downsides to overeating and gaining: some feeders are so pro-feeding that they refuse to admit there could be any problems and the feedee feels gaslighted. Don't do that.
  6. The problem with weight limits is you don't really know what it's like to be at the limit until you get there. And when you get there you may realize it's not enough. Still, if you go past your limit at that point it might undermine your confidence in the entire project. Weight gain may feel like an addiction or a failure at that point rather than what it should be: a conscious decision to live your dream. You should just eat all you want and gain as long as you're enjoying it. If you want to stop at some point, fine, stop. But note that it's hard to stop on a dime...don't beat yourself up if you continue to gain for a bit after you decide to stop. Now, functional limits might make more sense. If there are certain things you need to do to live your life, climbing stairs, bathing yourself, etc. don't get too big to do them. That's a reasonable limit.
  7. Baby steps. Let her know that you like the curvy figure. See how she reacts to that before you bring up feedism.
  8. Let's say you knew for sure she didn't want to gain weight. Would you still want to be in a relationship with her?
  9. Couldn't access the Binge link (I'm in the U.S.) but found the trailer:
  10. Here's hoping she gains the weight back at the end! Contrary to what we usually see, she was actually pretty cute in the fat suit.
  11. You hear this ethos a lot, that we shouldn't care what others think, that our own gratification is all that matters. But we're social creatures and we do care and should care what others think. Civil society is impossible otherwise. Sure maybe it would be better in some ways to be like mountain lions and only get together to mate. But that would be tossing out a lot of the best parts of being human. It's not for me.
  12. Ha! I get it. I actually wrote a story once about a country where women were legally required to be fat.
  13. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pAERlowucsU
  14. Both feedees and vanilla fats will be likely to: eat a lot eat junk food not exercise much compared to your average Joe Feedees, but not vanillas, are likely to: push themselves to eat more rejoice when they hit a new peak weight rejoice when their clothes get tighter find overeating erotic find gaining erotic or enjoyable in other ways like checking out ** or fat-person websites seek out feeders Vanilla fats, but not feedees, are likely to: diet, or feel guilty for not dieting fat-shame themselves Vanilla fats are likely to exercise (or feel guilty for not exercising) more than feedees but less than your average Joe
  15. Nice recap of a Russian movie that features weight gain (I'm not crazy about the ending, a typical clumsy attempt to be simultaneously body-positive and diet-positive, but oh well. The actress is beautiful and there is real weight-gain in this thing. Can't complain!):
  16. Okay, I won't stay quiet: I'd love it if you shared more content, but it's your life and your body. I fully support you doing what's right for you. Don't worry about me, I'll be okay!
  17. "Backfires"? You mean in the process of hypnotizing others you accidentally hypnotized yourself?
  18. If the woman is fat anyway and doesn't want to lose weight, or genuinely wants to gain weight, you're in the clear. Still, I understand how you might feel conflicted about it. So if it helps, try to help her get some exercise and healthy food. She can have junk food as well, just make sure she gets some healthy stuff now and then. Also note that happiness is good for one's health. If being fat makes her happy it might compensate for some of the downsides of being bigger. So keep her happy and healthy and make her feel appreciated and I predict you'll both be fine.
  19. This: "But they understood when I told them, that I'm happy living the way I do now and they are fine with it." Did you go into any detail about how you live now or was that pretty much it?
  20. I guess she got her fantasy, not ours. Too bad there wasn't a feeder on the plane...
  21. I don't have to imagine, I remember! And you're right, it was strange having the ** kink and not even having a word for it. On the plus side, it was much easier to watch TV back then. You could very quickly determine the best show to watch, or conclude there was nothing worth watching and turn the damn thing off!
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