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curvyloverman's Achievements

  1. I’m using AI Generative softwares to do them!
  2. Hi everyone! since I have been practising for a while with AI, I wanted to share with you some real beauties that I created! I hope you enjoy them! I can also make custom requests for you even making people you know and have pictures of into full figured BBW goddesses! let me know what you think !
  3. I think she put on like 60-70 pounds in the last year and a half. She’s fatter than some girls that are actively gaining like Candii Kayn lol
  4. As much as I do have a fetish for BBW (maybe not all the way to extreme obesity but I do find Katie Cummings very sexy at the current size and she is obese) obesity is a sickness. It shortens your life, it gives a hell lot of health problems and it should be prevented. And yes, it is also an environmental question. So yeah, even if I have a fetish and sometimes I fantasies about snapping my fingers and giving 50 pounds to all the women in the world, I don’t know if I would ever want an obese woman as a wife that might have a heart attack or die sooner. It is a disease, period. So my ideal thing would be like that all women would be 100% overweight. Like thinness disappearing from the trace of earth. But low obesity rate and low sickness rate. That’s what would be ideal. about what’s going to happen, I don’t know
  5. To be honest, I think that this whole body positive movement is at its peak right now and it will not go much further than how it already is now. its a health thing. Being overweight does not mean being unhealthy and we know that acceptance is the first healthy thing you can do in life , but a world where most of the women are obese (and we’re getting close to it, since 60% of American women are overweight and half of them are obese, so thin is becoming a normal) is simply unsustainable in terms of impact on the health system and on nature also. I think that the whole thing will park around year 2025/2026 and decline from 2030-2035 where food and body shape will also become a part of climate change rethorics and such. but totally this decade will be considered as the Fat 20s, this is the time of our life and beauty standards are going to completely converge with our standards in three or four years and then diverge a little . Everything changes and nothing lasts forever. So let’s enjoy these years of chubby pop stars and chubby models and chubby girls everywhere and let’s encourage them to be themselves fully so that it lasts as much as it can cheers
  6. She will be chubby/fat in less than two years. If the community will accept her she might as well turn into a BBW. We’ll have one of the most beautiful BBW in the world streaming for hours a day for us in less time than we expect. A dream come true. since fat acceptance is spreading and is pretty common in the gaming industry my guess is that she will fulfill her admitted kink and dream of being fat and the community will just love her positivity. She will likely also have more followers for that reason. this is my bet. remind me in two years at max.
  7. Not sure if you ever saw this video https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/471254079503466497/879200440158420992/y2mate.com_-_test_480p_001.mp4 Guys, she WANTS to be fat. She HAS the kink. So she WILL BE.
  8. We are literally living in the dream age of fat admirers... If you look at this sub you will notice that pretty much all the major stars in the american system have gotten so fat in the last years. Demi, Selena, Lauren, Christina... This is really a beautiful time to be in. Imagine 2050 when 90% of americans will be overweight <3
  9. What did people answer her? So fucking hot
  10. Ciao, Sono un uomo di 27 anni, attraente, con un buon lavoro, vivo da solo a Roma. Finalmente ho avuto la mia casa e non sono più con i coinquilini, quindi stavo pensando di provare finalmente a godermi la mia attrazione per una donna in carne condividendo la mia vita con qualcuno che è già una feedee o vuole sperimentarlo, godermi il cibo e vita, approfondire questa passione, cucinare insieme, guardare bei film, andare da qualche parte in viaggio, divertirsi con qualcuno che è una persona matura, libera, felice. Il problema è che non conosco donne a cui piace essere grasse, aumentare di peso, portare questo elemento nella loro relazione. C'è su questo forum una feedee (o qualcuno che vuole essere una feedee ma non ha mai iniziato, anche se è una ragazza magra) che vorrebbe chattare e magari parlare di persona davanti a una tazza di caffè? Giusto per essere chiari, in realtà sto cercando una relazione e non sesso casuale. Dita incrociate!
  11. Hello, I am a 27 years old man, attractive, with a good job, live by myself in Rome, Italy. At last I got my house and I'm not with roomates anymore, so I was thinking about finally trying to enjoy my attraction to larger woman by sharing my life with somebody that is either already a feedee or wants to experiment it, enjoy food and life, get deeper into this passion, cook together, watch good films, go somewhere on a trip, having fun with somebody that is a mature, free, happy person. Problem is I do not know women that enjoy being larger, gaining weight, bringing this into their relationship. Is there on this forum a feedee (or someone that wants to be a feedee but has never started, even if she's a thin girl) that would like to chat and maybe talk in person in front of a coffee cup? I know this is not an italian forum but I'd like to make an attempt. Just to be clear, I'm actually looking for a relationship and not for random sex. Fingers crossed!
  12. guys just don't hope. In italy girls like her will NEVER get fat. We have a stigma for fatness and theres almost no body positivity in our tv.
  13. Amazing to see how photoshopped she is in that photo. My predictions is that the actual photo looked like this.
  14. Guys, I work in video and there is "photoshop" in video too. You can squeeze and make thinner whatever you like. That's what they did.
  15. I have to be honest with you, she has one of the ugliest asses on the planet.
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