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  1. Man, this is why people hate us. What’s your point? There’s always some asshole like “she’s too fat for me…”. Why is there some need to be an ass? Sloppy? Dude there’s nothing sloppy about that woman. You’re at a fat fetish site. You’re here because you got a fat fetish. Stop shitting on fat people to feel better about yourself. No one’s impressed you can’t handle actual fat bodies.
  2. Sadly no, this is from two years ago
  3. We’ll see how long it lasts. She usually is fatter after trying these things. Honestly she hangs out with skinny girls too much
  4. Holy crap she’s so huge! That belly is starting to completely dominate her figure!
  5. Look at that butterball go! She’s been looking rounder and fuller in every outfit lately!
  6. I agree as much as you’d like to and would be comfortable with. Also I’d suggest testing out what feels best at home first then try it out in public too. One thing I’ve done for myself with swimming and recommend is trying out what feels easier to do in public and graduate up to whatever level of belly out you’d like. I’ve found it’s more important what you need. My current partner used to have worries if I’d be embarrassed being seen with her but since I’m game for whatever it helped her realize her comfort was more important. Focusing on that helped her out a lot just seeing what she feels up for on a given day and if she wants to have more belly out or not. Hopefully you figure out what makes it feel fun or makes you feel sexy or set free to be yourself. Those feelings are important to figure out what you want and need to feel better with a bare belly in public and enjoy it.
  7. Does anyone know who she is?
  8. Yeah clearly she’s got at least an FA that ain’t scare of encouragement or he’s a closet or open feeder. She’s gotten bolder with her fat and enjoying it so I bet he’s not stopping that.
  9. Looks like she’s filling out this archway nicely!
  10. She’s definitely not shrinking and keeps climbing in size the last year
  11. She’s got mad stealth fatty skills but a few images don’t fully conceal her width!
  12. This model looks so familiar does anyone recognize her?
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