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About dcc

  • Birthday 03/02/1977
  • Location Oakland, CA, United States

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    Real people who are comfortable in their own skin. Knowing when to offer affirmation and when to just shut up. Making the world a better place. Et cetera.

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  1. You mentioned in the video that your birthday is middle of this month... May you have a happy birthday and may there be lots of cake! I purchased this video more than a month ago but was just thinking we might hear from you again soon. I hope you're well!
    Every weigh in with GGG gets better. You need this video. She is awesome and gorgeous.
    bigger and more beautiful than ever. just wow. my jaw is on the floor.
    WOW, Candi! Every ounce seems to have gone to her gorgeous belly. Candi is looking absolutely amazing. Also possibly the cutest bottom in this site.
    Taytay is so hot. I'm just going back and buying vids I missed. This one is a keeper. Great to see this beautiful piggy filling up on cake. Hope to see you soon, Taytay!
    Wow. Just wow. That said, the next fifty pounds are going to be amazing. This perspective is dreamy!!! 💥🤗💣
    Simply stunning. Reiina is looking great and has fascinating observations about how her body has gained versus a few years ago. That new double chin is SOOOOO CUTE!!! More back chub and jigglier thighs portend greatness to come! Check her out!
  2. Wow. You're looking great. Really good to see you in here again.
    This video highlights the planet's most attractive, sexiest muffin top and love handles. What a gorgeous body. You'll love how Taytay's belly button shows though this t-shirt. Check it out.
  3. Such a good piggy to get all that down! I love that you're using Annie's. That's some good stuff!
  4. Wow. You are so hot! Those new pounds are the best yet! Cat, you are very attractive.
  5. Wow. You're horny? Having watched that, I am too! You look so good!
    Wow. Taytay looks amazing in this video. How I would love to be all the places her camera goes in this one!
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