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Razloe last won the day on January 14 2020

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  1. Thereabouts. I dont think she weighed at the same time of day each time, but it still surprised me.
  2. So, I think she has taken your guys' compliments well. This was her on the scale last night. Our scale is kind of messed up, but it says 194!
  3. Hello again everyone! Thank you for the well wishes. You guys have pleasantly surprised her. She decided to try on a few things last night she hasn't worn in a while.
  4. Lmao thanks for all the comments and support everyone! Its nice seeing people having the same reactions as me to those pictures. I think shes had a hard time coming to the realization that she is extremely attractive to those of us who like larger women. 😍 @Petey I have no idea what those shorts were made of, but they lasted through her bending over and squatting. Here is a few more pics. The first one is off of her tumblr. The rest are a few I found in my phone in no particular order. She is pretty much the same weight give or take a few pounds in them.
  5. Hello All! Long time lurker, first time poster. Yada yada. This is my girlfriend! She entered college at around 145 lbs and has gained up to 181 lbs as of this morning. She understands that I LOVE her new weight, but is insecure about it. However, recently she has worked up the courage to start posting pics after I have reassured her how damn good looking she is. Here are some before and afters from me. She also has a tumblr here: https://gothicccc666.tumblr.com/ You guys should let her know what you think!
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