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About Gothbelly

  • Birthday 04/19/1996
  • Location Lowell, MA, USA

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  1. Does anyone have any tips on gaining weight fast? I’d love to hear about it. 

    1. Fatt_Matt


      I’ve heard it from more people, but somehow donuts are magical if it comes to gaining fast. I’ve tried it myself for a little while. Eating 5 donuts multiple days a week, it only took that little and I’ve never gained so fast! No idea why though. Another thing I’ve heard is changing up the times and amounts you eat. I think most people have a pretty regular eating schedual. Some say your body gets used to that. Throwing your body in the deep with sudden change and keeping it random might cause it to store extra fat. Starving your body by eating less for a couple of days and then starting to pig out massively might change the rate of how much fat the body stores. Just some idea’s you can try! 

    2. dj2k1357


      And of course, the gift that keeps on giving, heavy cream!

    3. JesusofSuburbia


      Sweets. Candy. Sugar my dude. And cream. 

    4. Thatfatguineapig


      Hey :) I have gained around 80-90lbs from last december to now and pasta is def my best friend. Candy like they said, helps too, but somedays you just don't feel like that... you know? Baked potatoes with lots of cheese, butter and bacon, pasta with the same or any sauce with lots of parmesan. Bread helps, any carbs in my case makes me inflate! 

      Wish you luck 🐖

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