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april1st last won the day on October 23 2019

april1st had the most liked content!

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  1. Hey, let us know what’s new with you...

  2. I gave in again, you guys... I already ruined my diet with pizza at midday, so this box of chocolates won't matter. The chocolate's so rich that I feel full even though I'm not stuffed, so you get to see what my near-empty belly looks like these days (it's very squishy). I just noticed I'm getting a triple-tiered belly and side rolls... I'd better add sit-ups to my exercise routine. Which I will start tomorrow.
  3. Hi everyone, just a diet update... I haven't been able to start my diet yet. I ordered stuffed crust pizza yesterday and today, and did a lot of snacking, just because I had a lot of work to do so I needed to treat myself. I feel like I got a little bit bigger but that's ok because the diet starts tomorrow! Thanks for all your encouragement! xx
  4. You don't think I'd be able to stick to it? Joke's on you - tomorrow's the first day of my diet and I'm eating 2 tubs of ice cream as a last indulgence.
  5. I actually don't have a scale where i'm living right now... 180 sounds like so much, but I've put on a lot of weight since I was 155... i think you might be close!
  6. Some recent developments... I've been planning to go on a diet since July, so I don't know why I've ballooned up like this, especially in the past month... Leave me a comment if you can tell I got bigger!
  7. You've been spending too much time with a full belly and unbuttoned pants.  If you want to be a thin, hot girl again you're going to have to control your greedy mouth and get used to exercising.

  8. Yeah, at least. I actually can't fit in those jeans comfortably any more. Maybe I should try for this thread..
  9. Tell me how much fatter you think i got... i don't have a scale. But I know it's quite a bit.
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