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  1. It's also in her bio on Twitter and her linktree on Instagram lol...but if it was your first time on the internet sure this clue could've helped. Also heres some pictures so I'm not just bumping this thread to exclusively roast this guy. Some of my favorite before and afters.
  2. Bro this is why this thread is so cringe. You are arguing about nothing. The dude who wrote the original comment obviously doesn't speak English as his first language and is pretty much just trying to say to Candii "you're hot". She isn't a moron, I'm sure she cracked the code that the dude acting like a kid on Christmas getting all excited hearing she put on a few lbs didn't mean to offend. I get that it's not okay when people say things like "that person's nose is too big what an uggo" with zero regard for the fact that it's another human being with their own insecurities and flaws reading the comment, but that isn't happening in this thread...you can chill. It's like you are all on high alert for some asshole you can shit on to prove to Candii that you heard her message and are her shining white knight...but nobody is actually being an asshole to Candii on this thread because we all like her and so you just direct all your righteousness at some random dude because his English isn't great. Let's just all chill and appreciate that a hot chick who happens to look fantastic when she gains weight likes to post here.
  3. You have good intentions but this is a terrible idea. First of all, any troll spewing truly vile shit is going to have burner accounts and VPNs. They don't care if you ban then. What will be left is all the regular people who may have differences in opinions on various topics arguing and getting banned for posting "negative comments". Hopefully you can see how a vague rule like this is a recipe for a shitshow. Look...the internet sucks sometimes. If Candii wants to leave I don't blame her. In fact, I would encourage it. Let her be a newlywed and enjoy life. Get as far away from weird porn fetish websites filled with creeps who want to doxx her and probably worse.
  4. Honestly? Because it's the internet and the people spewing vile shit and trolling don't give any fucks. I've told people before that they are being ridiculous. I don't understand why people fall into this delusion that the model they are wanking it to owes them something, and I definitely don't envy the task of dealing with the endless barrage of social ineptitude, but what can we really do? If I respond to some troll who is shit talking a picture of a girl on reddit or something it's not like they're going to stop. These people crave the attention that comes from engaging and you could white knight with the hunger of 1,000 cheetahs and it would only make them stronger. At the end of the day you have a pretty large following and will inevitably have trolls and creeps that harass you and cross the line. I don't blame you for 1 second if you want to just go live your life in peace and just not open yourself up to dealing with any of the bullshit in the first place. All I'm saying is, I wouldn't put much stock in a white knight army vs. the troll horde. That just sounds like a disaster, but hey, I hope I'm wrong.
  5. Guys calm down she lost a few lbs in preparation of dropping her podcast or whatever the fuck. She already looks to have given up on the gym and is gaining it back. Despair not! Also don't cry so hard about someone losing a few it's clearly what the girl wants...even if she can't manage to keep it off. Anyways...here's some pics where she wasn't being quite as sneaky with the angles you can see the lack of workouts and booze lately.
  6. Lmfao we all share the fantasy my dude. Problem is she already has the money. So you are essentially trying to convince someone to give themselves diabetes for nothing in return.
  7. idk if I'd call it pride lmfao, not everyone wants to be a whale. She is pretty fuckin' huge as it is, if she intentionally started gaining weight she would be in the "dead soon" weight range within a year.
  8. I never really gave a fuck about that. I know a lot of people get triggered by her handle I don't understand I guess. Maybe they are British and are a stickler for titles or something? I'll give you that. She definitely seems super high maintenance, posting about expensive handbags and materialistic shit that to me is shallow. That being said I don't know her story, and don't see the point in judging someone I will never meet in real life. Sure. I never said she was an exceptional person. All I'm saying is all the retards that want to get mad about her prices or her political views in her instagram comments need to go outside and breathe some fresh air. She has a fat ass. Beat your dick to it, or don't. At the end of the day none of us will ever know her in real life, she might be really nice, or she might not. Passing judgement one way or the other based off instagram or twitter feuds seems irrational. Just look at the posts above yours. People are nasty on the internet. BTW heres some pics of her fat ass let's stop debating her real life personality lmao.
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